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Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
dmplzh.com PMarc SFX Archive 8 60KB 1991-01-28

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
dmp.doc Text File 2,295 102KB 1991-01-27
dmpnew.doc Text File 202 9KB 1991-01-27
ombudsmn.asp Text File 14 629b 1991-01-27
reginfo.doc Text File 166 7KB 1991-01-28

Other Files (3)
dmp.com MS-DOS COM Executable 23KB 1991-01-09
pf.com MS-DOS COM Executable 1KB 1990-10-25
xmblock.com MS-DOS COM Executable 818b 1988-10-08